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Model Acquisition

Requirements & Dependencies

The bot is developed in Python 2 on top of ROS Melodic using a Universal Robots UR5.

To install and configure your ROS environment follow this tutorial:

In our setup we use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

After creating your workspace it's convenient to also source its setup.bash in ~/.bashrc.

$ echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

In the photogrammetry environment there's a turntable which requires the robot driver packages iai_scanning_table and iai_scanning_table_msgs of the IAI group, University Bremen, Germany. These can be found here:

They should be placed inside ~/catkin_ws/src/iai_robot_drivers/. It is recommended to only download these two packages as the others are not needed and might require additional dependencies upon building the workspace.

To work with the Universal Robot UR5 the Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver is required. Installation instructions can be found here: We recommend changing the joint limits for the UR5 MoveIt configuration in the ur5_moveit_config package when working on real hardware as by default the velocity and acceleration is very high. The YAML file should be located at ~/catkin_ws/src/fmauch_universal_robot/ur5_moveit_config/config/joint_limits.yaml.

The robot is controlled using the moveit_commander package which can be installed using apt.

$ sudo apt install ros-melodic-moveit-commander

For keyboard control the keyboard_pub package is needed. This can be found here:

It is to be placed inside ~/catkin_ws/src/ubiquitousROS/.

For the bot to take photos using the Nikon Z6 II camera which is mounted on the UR5 gphoto2 is required. It should already be included in the Desktop-Full Install of ROS Melodic, otherwise it can be installed using apt.

$ apt install gphoto2

The Graphical User Interface uses WebSockets for communication between frontend and backend. For this the backend uses the simple-websocket-server which can be installed using pip.

$ pip install simple-websocket-server

To transfer pictures to the photogrammetry server the requests package is required. It can also be installed using pip.

$ pip install requests


Once all requirements are taken care of simply clone the repository inside ~/catkin_ws/src/ and build the workspace.

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ sudo apt update
$ rosdep update
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y
$ catkin_make

After building the workspace make sure to source setup.bash again.

$ source ~/catkin_ws/source.bash

Alternatively, start a new shell if you source it in ~/.bashrc.


While some settings can be configured in the Graphical User Interface, some more general ones are fixed and have to be changed in ~/catkin_ws/src/iai_mab_control/app/acquisition/settings/general.json.

Parameter Description Example
camera_mesh Path of the mesh to use for the camera. ~/catkin_ws/src/iai_mab_control/assets/camera.stl
camera_orientation The camera mesh rotation around the x, y and z axes in degrees. [90, 0, 90]
camera_pos Position of the attached object relative to the attachment link in meters. [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
camera_size Length, width and height of the attached camera in meters. If a camera mesh is used it describes the scale factor for width, length and height. [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
max_velocity The maximum velocity the robot arm is moving at. 0.1
password A password to access the application. Optional. 123456
photobox_pos Center position of the photobox ground plane relative to the robot arm position in meters. [0.0, -0.6, 0.0]
photobox_size Width, length and height of the inner photobox in meters. [0.7, 0.7, 1.0]
photogrammetry_host Host of the photogrammetry server where to transfer captures photos to. If not set, photos are not transferred.
photogrammetry_port Port of the photogrammetry server. If not set, photos are not transferred. 9000
photogrammetry_password Password of the photogrmmetry application. If wrong, photos are not transferred. 654321
ptpip IP address of the camera. If not set, connection is established by cable.
reach The reach of the robot arm in meters. 0.85
turntable_pos Center position of the turntable ground plane relative to the robot arm position in meters. [0.0, -0.6, 0.02]
turntable_radius The radius of the turntable in meters. 0.2
wall_thickness The thickness of the photobox walls in meters. 0.04


The bot can be started using rosrun.

$ rosrun iai_mab_control

Remapping arguments might be required depending on the controllers namespace. By default the MoveIt configuration expects follow_joint_trajectory to be the controller topic but when working on the real robot we figured that the robot listened on scaled_pos_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory instead.

$ rosrun iai_mab_control follow_joint_trajectory:=scaled_pos_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory

The following optional parameters can be set by adding them to the rosrun command.

Parameter Description Example
camera_mesh Path of the mesh to use for the camera. _camera_mesh:='~/camera.stl'
camera_orientation The camera mesh rotation around the x, y and z axes in degrees. _camera_orientation:='[90, 0, 90]'
camera_pos Position of the attached object relative to the attachment link in meters. _camera_pos:='[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]'
camera_size Length, width and height of the attached camera in meters. If a camera mesh is used it describes the scale factor for width, length and height. _camera_size:='[0.1, 0.1, 0.1]'
min_distance The minimum distance between the camera and the object at all positions in meters. _min_distance:=0.2
max_distance The maximum distance between the camera and the object at all positions in meters. _max_distance:=0.2
max_velocity The maximum velocity the robot arm is moving at. _max_velocity:=0.1
num_positions Number of positions around the object that the robot should move to. _num_positions:=15
num_spins Number of spins the turntable should do for each position of the robot. _num_spins:=8
object_size Length, width and height of the object on the turntable in meters. _object_size:='[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]'
photobox_pos Center position of the photobox ground plane relative to the robot arm position in meters. _photobox_pos:='[0.0, -0.6, 0.0]'
photobox_size Width, length and height of the inner photobox in meters. _photobox_size:='[0.7, 0.7, 1.0]'
photogrammetry_host Host of the photogrammetry server where to transfer captures photos to. If not set, photos are not transferred. _photogrammetry_host:=''
photogrammetry_port Port of the photogrammetry server. If not set, photos are not transferred. _photogrammetry_port:=9000
photogrammetry_password Password of the photogrmmetry application. If wrong, photos are not transferred. _photogrammetry_password:='654321'
ptpip IP address of the camera. If not set, connection is established by cable. _ptpip:=''
reach The reach of the robot arm in meters. _reach:=0.85
test The program will run in test mode if set True. In test mode the turntable will not spin and no photos are taken. _test:=True
turntable_pos Center position of the turntable ground plane relative to the robot arm position in meters. _turntable_pos:='[0.0, -0.6, 0.02]'
turntable_radius The radius of the turntable in meters. _turntable_radius:=0.2
wall_thickness The thickness of the photobox walls in meters. _wall_thickness:=0.04
working_dir The directory (inside the out directory in the root project directory) to store captured photos into. _output_directory:='my_model'

The easiest way to work with the bot during development is to use the provided launch files. When using the launch files RViz will also start with pre-configured MoveIt settings for additional visualization purpose. If needed one can add MarkerArray visualization to see the positions the robot is addressing.


bringup.launch launches all the required nodes for the usage with real hardware.

$ roslaunch iai_mab_control bringup.launch robot_ip:=IP_OF_THE_ROBOT action_ns:=MOVEIT_CONTROLLER_TOPIC

By default the parameter robot_ip is set to and the parameter action_ns is set to scaled_pos_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory.


simulation.launch launches all the required nodes for the usage in Gazebo.

$ roslaunch iai_mab_control simulation.launch

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

To use the GUI the server of the application needs to be started first.

$ roscd iai_mab_control
$ app/acquisition/

After starting the server any web browser can be used to access the GUI by browsing to http://MACHINE_IP_ADDRESS:8000 where MACHINE_IP_ADDRESS is the ip address of the machine the server is running on. To access the GUI on the same machine as the server is running on, you can visit http://localhost:8000.

While the default ports for HTTP and WebSocket are set to 8000 and 8080, the optional arguments --http_port and --socket_port can be passed to change them.

$ roscd iai_mab_control
$ app/acquisition/ --http_port 9000 --socket_port 9090

When working with the Nikon Z6 II we figured that setting the AF-area mode to Wide-area AF (L) works best. Also when controlling the Nikon Z6 II without cable, the hotspot has to be enabled on the camera device and the computer has to establish an additional WiFi connection to it before starting the process from the acquisition application.


The photobox and turntables size and position can be determined using the calibration script. The user will be asked to attach the calibration tool to the robot arm and move the tip of the calibration tool to given points. The sizes and positions are being calculated and printed by the calibration script.

The calibration script can be started using rosrun.

$ rosrun iai_mab_control